Even Now

10:55. Busy airport. New York City. Blue shorts. Gray shirt. Oversized jacket. As I sit here and watch the hundreds of people walk by, I can’t help but think about what you’re doing. Where you are. Who you are. I can’t help but think that some day soon, 10:55 will be so much more than a number. So much more than an hour on the clock. I can’t help but think that some day soon, 10:55 will be spent with you::

10:55. Sleepy eyes. Freshly washed sheets. Rolling over to find you there beside me. Whispered good mornings. Forehead kisses. Morning coffee. Shared devotions. Sweet seconds of prayer.

You and me.

Welcome to my brain.

Where are you at 10:55 this July day? What makes you tick? What are your biggest fears? Worries? Dreams? Desires? Who are you? Have we met? Am I writing to the young man I am currently so blessed to call mine? The young man whose jacket I am currently wearing? And if not, I hope you have some weird thing for awkward girls and messy buns who live on mint chocolate chip ice cream and sappy Hallmark channel movies.

I desperately wish I could close my eyes and wish you by my side. But I’m waiting. And I’m praying.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t always waited well. I haven’t always waited patiently for love. I used to pray…no, beg God to let certain boys ask me out, and when they did not, I would shake my fist at the sky and scream at God “Why? Why? Why?” as a little piece of my heart cracked open, leaving an ever-growing hole. A hole that I did not realize only God could fill if only I would learn to fall in-love with Him. If only I would let Him pursue me and woo me. If only I would learn to make Him the Lover of my soul.

This is only a part of my testimony, my story. A part that makes me who I am today. I have scars from those years, but these scars only remind me of God’s faithfulness – His unconditional, unchangeable, chain-breaking, burden-freeing love. I pray that you will be given the grace and the understanding to love me for all that I am and the love and patience to encourage me in this journey called life, pointing me away from my past and towards Jesus.

I am praying for you, my dear. Everyday I am praying. I am praying that even in this very moment, 10:55 A.M., you are being shaped and molded into the man that God has designed you to be. A man who will pursue the will of the Lord with every breath you have. A man who will not forget to be awed by the beauty of each day, each blessing the Lord sends your way. I pray that even in this very moment, 10:55 A.M., you are surrendering yourself to the will of God, making yourself the clay and Him the Potter. I pray that in the face of trial – when the babies are sick, when the money just isn’t there, when work gets hard and our marriage gets harder, when you cannot feel the presence of the Lord – you will be on your knees, hands lifted to the sky, Bible wide open in front of you, fighting hell for our family. I pray that in times of joy – when we’re celebrating birthdays and holidays, when our children succeed, when we are reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness and our marriage is strong, full of the love that I pray will define us – you will be on your knees, hands lifted to the sky, Bible wide open in front of you, singing praises to God from whom all blessings flow. And I pray that He will do the same for me so that my heart will be ready to love and encourage and stand by you no matter the season.

I hope that by the time I can call you mine, you are already in-love. I hope you have found the same unconditional, unchangeable, chain-breaking, burden-freeing love I have found, and am still discovering daily, in my Jesus. I hope you have uncovered grace upon grace, and that it is that same love and that same grace that leads you to me.

I love you dear.

Even now.

(Inspired by Lauren Black from she-laughs.com)


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